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Custom Character Sheets | Craftsman | 5E 2014

A dwarf with thick, braided hair stands with his hands on his hips, silhouetted in the light of a large, roaring fireplace which is surrounded by sets of armor and elaborate weapons. This is the cover image for the Complete Craftsman, the definitive, inventive crafting class for 5th edition.

Get all 12 Artisan’s Guilds in the Complete Craftsman!

Craftsman Accessory

Master artisans and inventors, craftsmen can forge masterwork equipment and devise entirely new weapons on the fly. Play a craftsman if you want to experiment with a comprehensive array of weapon properties to invent entirely new weapons and armor.

To make those weapons and armor easier to manage, we’ve created a series of custom character sheets you can use to bring your Craftsman to the table as quickly and easily as possible.  Each one has features already filled in for Craftsman subclasses, called Artisans’ Guilds.

Armiger’s Guild

The Armigers devote their skills to the art of armor smithing, with the firm belief that the right plate in the right place can make a warrior invincible.

Bladeworkers’ Guild

Blade and bow, axe and mace: these are the tools with which the Bladeworkers try to change the world. They believe that the right blade, in the right hand can make a warrior unstoppable.

Exotic Weapons and Armor

With their first-level feature Exotic Proficiencies, a Craftsman character becomes proficient with exotic weapons and armor. These are unconventional weapons with which no other class is proficient. The Exotic Armor post provides details for this new gear. The Exotic Weapons post expands the weapons table in 5th Edition, organized into those which are common to most settings and firearms which are appropriate for Renaissance-era, Industrial Age, and modern settings.

Masterwork Weapons and Armor

At second level, a Craftsman character can use their Masterwork feature to create weapons and armor of the utmost quality. Some such items can be modified with masterwork properties. Here are masterwork properties for weapons and armor your Craftsman can forge.

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