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A woman with dreadlocks in her red hair and bedecked with vials, plate armor, and glowing green bottles of alchemist's potions, stands with her back to an explosion, her long trench coat swaying with the force of the blast.

Get all 11 subclasses in the Complete Alchemist!

Alchemist subclass


Heal the Sick and Wounded

Many practically minded Alchemists assume the role of the Apothecary, for adventuring parties always need a healer and Clerics are often in short supply. During their downtime, such Alchemists have a marketable skill to depend upon for income and can do an indisputable amount of good with their knowledge. Apothecaries constantly study potions and herbology, preferring to learn how to mend the body, rather than destroy it.

Level 3: Physician’s Studies

You gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. Additionally, you gain a bonus to checks using this skill equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum bonus of +1).

Level 3: Painkiller Bomb [Formula]

You can mix your Bomb’s contents with analgesic oil, changing it into a Painkiller Bomb. This Bomb deals no damage, but instead causes the target or each creature within the Sphere of the Bomb’s Explode property to gain Temporary Hit Points. These Temporary Hit Points equal your Alchemist level.

When you grant Temporary Hit Points using this Bomb, you can also expend Reagents to use Empowered Bomb. Instead of increasing the Bomb’s damage, you increase the number of Temporary Hit Points by 1d10 for each expended Reagent.

You can use this formula a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once) and regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

Level 6: Concentrated Healing

When a creature regains Hit Points as a result of drinking one of your potions, it can instead replace up to half of the dice rolled with the highest possible number for each die.

Level 10: Self-Medication

Whenever you drink a potion that has the effect of restoring your Hit Points (even if you already have all of your Hit Points), you have Advantage on saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Level 14: Alchemical Resurrection

Your medicines are potent enough to rouse the dead. By using a Magic action to mix diamond dust worth 1,000 GP+ of into a Potion of Superior Healing or a Potion of Supreme Healing, you create a Potion of Resurrection. This potion doesn’t become inert after 24 hours.

Potion of Resurrection

Potion, Very Rare

You can administer this potion to a dead creature as a Bonus Action. The creature gains the effect of the Raise Dead spell.


Get even more subclasses in the Complete Alchemist

Or check out more innovative base classes in Valda’s Spire of Secrets!

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